We purchase commercial cleaning products to clean our toilets, wipe the countertops, and scrub the bathtub. However, many of these formulas are made with harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances. Enjoy the benefits of homemade cleaning supplies and make your home safer and healthier with natural options.

There are Many Benefits to Making Your Cleaning Supplies

Make Your Homemade Cleaning Supplies and Know Your Ingredients

Most homemade cleaning supplies use simple, natural ingredients – like baking soda and vinegar – that you already have around the house. Buy the ingredients you need in bulk to save even more money.

When you make your own cleaners, you’ll know exactly what’s in them, which is important if you or a family member is sensitive to certain ingredients. You won’t be exposed to unknown chemicals every time you clean the house. You’ll also reduce the amount of waste that ends up in the landfills because you can reuse the same bottle each time you make a new batch.

Most Cleaners can be Made at Home

You can replace many, if not all, of the cleaning products you typically buy in the store. It takes a bit of time to make your products, but the benefits are worth it. To save time, double or triple the recipe and store the extra product in a container that you can use to refill smaller spray bottles.

Using Homemade Cleaning Supplies

When you search for recipes online, take the time to read the instructions on how to use the cleaner. Homemade window cleaner is a great example. Mix a 50/50 solution of water with white vinegar. Add a drop or two of lemon essential oil. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake well to blend. Before using this product, wipe the window glass with a dry rag. This helps to remove dust that can lead to streaking. Next, spray the window with the vinegar-based cleaner and wipe it clean with a dry rag.

Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer

In a time when hand sanitizer is in short supply, make your own. Save your smaller, pocket and purse-sized sanitizer bottles to refill with this recipe. All you need is aloe vera gel, rubbing alcohol, and an essential oil of your choice for fragrance.

Mix a 2:1 ratio of rubbing alcohol and aloe gel. This will be enough to kill germs without being too harsh on your skin. Add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil for a more pleasant scent.

How to Store Your Products

Make sure to store your cleaners properly to maintain their potency. Some cleaners won’t last more than a few days. An easy to make furniture polish using olive oil will only keep for about a week in the refrigerator. Mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 3/4 cup of olive oil, and the juice of half a lemon. Use a rag to apply to wooden furniture and then use a dry rag to wipe the polish away. Store any leftover polish in a glass container in the fridge and discard after 5 to 7 days.

For most other cleaners, use glass or aluminum spray bottles. Keep your products in a cabinet that is difficult for children or pets to access. It’s also important to store cleaning supplies in a climate-controlled environment. An unheated garage or shed can cause changes in the product due when the temperature fluctuates.

Be Sure to Label Your Homemade Cleaning Supplies

If you make your cleaning products, label each bottle. Use a permanent marker or invest in an inexpensive label maker and create waterproof labels. When labeling your products, add the date it was mixed and the ingredients. You’ll want to know what is in each bottle in case a curious child or pet gets into your cleaning supplies.

Ryan Sorensen Construction & Inspections provides home inspections in Eastern Oregon. Contact us to request our services.